Tag Archives: Tantra Massage

How would you benefit from The S.I.X. Tantra Massage Hong Kong?

The professionally trained and experienced therapists of S.I.X massage Hongkong are all well-versed in the sensual art of Tantra massage or Tantric Massage. Their delicate hands and sensual bodies express the true essence of tantra teaching. The delicate masseuses will awake your body with exploring rubbing and coaxing the kundalini energy of Tantra and let it flow through to your body and your 6 senses will enter a state of pure nirvana.

Tantra Massage Hong Kong S.I.X therapists are trained to know by touch and caress the special Chakra spots or energy zones of your body. They will explore them with their fingers and the brush of electric flesh on flesh will have you climbing towards a state of Tantra trance until the final release of tension will leave your body and mind sated and sleepy with exhausted relief.

They will start with a full body massage, easing away stress and strain and then slowly introducing the sensuality of Tantra, small caresses of their warm skin touching yours, tickling light brushing your skin, its silkiness a sensation all of its own. As the sensual massage intensifies you will start to peak in sensational anticipation.

She will introduce more and more healing light touches and caresses to your many energy zones, each touch intensifying your senses, each caress becoming more awakening with intensity. She will work with your reactions to her professional touch and ease teasingly away or move into a more intense touch to heighten your experience of the full horizon of Chakra connections.

The professional and friendly Tantra massage Hong Kong therapists will always ensure your Tantra massage experience is memorable and healing. Your first meeting will become a milestone highlight chapter in your sensual life book. Choose form our many gorgeous and charming specialist Tantra massage therapists and remember to book early.

Kindly refer to FAQ, Terms of Enjoyment and Client Code of Conduct for your best enjoyment.